'The Power of Mattel' is the second annual art show in tribute to the timeless toys by MATTEL that kicked off this past Friday!!! Curated by Ecuadorian illustrator and designer,
CHOGRIN, the show features over 50 artists from around the world illustrating their own take on popular toy lines like: He-man, She-ra, M.U.S.C.L.E., Dino-Riders, Mighty Max, Street Sharks, Food Fighters, Rock'em Sock'em Robots, and the Magic 8 Ball. The show will take place and premiere at
GALLERY 1988 (West), the world's #1 source for pop-culture fine art... and above is the amazing He-man inspired sculpture titled "
THE POWER OF ETERNIA"!!! Featuring castle grayskull colors, this one-off sculpture was designed by CHOGRIN and sculpted/painted by Tayler Brown. Standing a whopping 10" tall, this beast is up for grabs
HERE right now for $800 - do keep in mind that this is a one-of-a-kind piece... so if you dig He-Man, this might be right up your alley! That being said, how rad would this be as a limited edition resin art multiple run... or maybe even vinyl?!?! A boy can dream :-) Hit up the show
HERE for many other amazing pieces!
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