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Scott Wilkowski's "InfectRider" is Kamen Rider with a Skeletal Center!

Wisconsin-based artist Scott Wilkowski turns his infectious attention to Kamen Rider! Created by Shotaro Ishinomori in 1971, Kamen Rider was a "transformed human" that resembled a grasshopper, using his newfound power to battle other monstrous humanoids. Inspired by the Kamen Rider's base design, Wilkowski's 6-inch tall "InfectRider" has the humanoid-grasshopper hybrid head atop a lithe battler's body, all cast translucent pink resin with a green skeletal structure glorious suspended within. Limited to an undisclosed quantity, these are available now from Wilkowski's website for $150 apiece. Of course, we await learning if this Wilkowski creation is intended to battle all the other Infected creatures that the artist has created over the years…

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