Depicting a buck whose antlers have morphed into a giant X, the long-standing abbreviation for Christ that dates back to early hand-written versions of The Bible, this newest work from
Colus isn't necessarily religious in nature. Though, of course, he's tentatively titled it "Deer Crossing," which emphasizes the cross-like nature of the X. And the deer has long been regarded as a holy animal, this version being especially reminiscent of the Saint Hubertus stag, which was said to have a crucifix between its horns. All theological implications aside, the piece itself is pristine looking, but we expect no less from Colus at this point. It's 8-inch form is cast in matte black resin save the antlers, which are ivory colored. Joining the "
Jumper" piece, this will be available in limited quantities at this year's DesignerCon directly from the artist. As each sculpture consists of 7 individual parts that have to be carefully assembled, Colus is hoping to have at least 10 of the finished works at DCon, but he says you shouldn't worry if you can't make it there. "I will continue to make them after DCon," Colus states, "as long as peeps are interested." And I think it's safe to say we're definitely interested! Time will tell if
Kidrobot will end up producing this design too, joining the
previously announced "Ravenous" and "Jumper" in next year's KR schedule.
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