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Charles Rodriguez's stunning "The Arctic Monster" custom Luke Chueh "Bear Head!"

Charles Rodriguez uses his distinctive carving method, wherein he carefully removes slivers from the vinyl base to create a textured fur hide, resulting in an immediately recognizable work. Titled "The Arctic Monster," this evolution of Luke Chueh's 7½-inch tall "Everyone Needs A Lot Of Head" (aka "Bear Head") is absolutely perfect, with the carved nose and defined eye ridge. Placed within a base depicting a cracked ice floe, the stark white of which contrasts perfectly against the black of the vinyl. "Why black?" you ask. This work is Rodriguez's "critique of the real monsters that lurk, dig, and destroy in search for oil." While not subtle in the least, the perfection of this unique work's execution certainly makes up for any obviousness in concept.

Bearly, A Custom Toy Show, hosted by Strangecat Toys, will take place on September 2nd & 3rd, 2016 at Redefine Gallery, 29 South Orange Ave., Orlando, FL 32801. Works will be available online at strangecattoys.com on September 2nd at 3pm Pacific time.
All pieces in this exhibition will use the 7½-inch tall "Everyone Needs A Lot Of Head" vinyl piece, better known as the "Bear Head," by Luke Chueh. Artists in the show are Frank Montano, Charles Rodriguez, Emelie Jensen (Tomodachi Island), Eos, HX, Ink Visuals, iROC, JFURY, Sugar Fueled, Josh Divine, Malo April, MAp-MAp, Playful Gorilla, and FeatheredFox.

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