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Secret Fresh Gallery presents: “CHECK MATE ++” solo exhibit by Otto Bjornik!!!

Holy smokes... we sure wish we were in Manila! After we announced a special "Bai Chu: Pu-ti" resin release at Otto's upcoming exhibition titled 'Checkmate ++' at Secret Fresh, we find out even more goodness that will be up for grabs! The varied works come from different series Otto has made through the years, yet still one can view them in the theme of light and dark. A part of the exhibition will be drawings from his Phosphenes series, the title referring to the visual phenomenon characterized by the experience of seeing light even if there is actually none. Another series that will be exhibited is the subject of his most recent series of drawings and custom toys--the Wood Elves, which in popular folklore can either be of the light (kind) or dark (mischievous) persuasion.
Finally, Otto’s Shah Mat series of drawings on paper which was inspired by the game of Chess, will be on display and up for grabs at 'Checkmate ++', Otto Björnik’s first solo exhibition at at Secret Fresh Gallery on June 19the from 6pm. All fo this will coincide with the release and signing party of the Shah Mat Dunny series (check out our review HERE).

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