"Was this really necessary?" is scrawled across the above teaser's forehead, so it seems apt to answer it… Yes, yes it was.
Fools Paradise's scantily-clad "Keiko" character adorns herself in garb reminiscent of The Joker, renaming herself "Jokerkeiko" or "Keikojoker," and she sits proudly in a coin-operated ride version of the 1989 Batmobile from Tim Burton's
Batman film. While the proper title hasn't been announced yet, we're theorizing it will be something along the lines of "
Joker K.Bat at Coin Rides Game #4" Like the other 12-inch tall pieces in this series, we know the finished work will be held aloft on a stand with two ball-joint supports (as seen
HERE). These will be released in the
Fools Paradise shop on June 3rd, 2016 at an unspecified time, but we'd suggest following the
Fools Paradise Instagram for up-to-the-minute release information.
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