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Awesome Toy's “Piggy Bank” Soft Vinyl Piece for Release!

For those of us over a certain age, we fondly remember the piggy bank phenomenon of our youth. Every kid had one, putting their spare change in it to save up for whatever bauble caught our current attention. And this wasn't a standard in just the U.S., as we're told that the piggy bank was a common item for sale in Hong Kong since the 1960s. This Hong Kong version was, according to Awesome Toy, "actually a copy of the Reliable Piggy Bank that was made in Canada in the late 1950s." While the Canadian version was injection molded and then glued together, the blow molded Hong Kong version kept the worker's outfit attire of shirt and overall jeans but added a tradional lucky coin to the back sculpt. About two years ago "the factory stop[ped] producing it" in Hong Kong, with various potential reasons being given, but nowaday "all the piggy bank[s] in the Hong Kong market are all gone," remaining copies being strictly found in antique stores for exorbitant sums.

Awesome Toy missed this long-standing tradition of the piggy pank, so they decided to update the design and release it anew in soft vinyl. Debuting in red sofubi with black paint application, mimicing the appearance of a very rare vintage version that is believe to have only been made in test quantities and never mass produced, this 4½-inch tall and 7¾-inch long piece is now available in the pictured "Pre-release Edition” for a mere $40 apiece. Long live the old school method of saving up your change!

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