The next Fumetsu release from
Cop A Squat Toys has just been announced... and these "
Clear Coke Bottle Green" sofubi figures are set to release next Tuesday, February 2nd at 3pm PST (Groundhogs Day)!!! Featuring Metallic Silver, charcoal, and clear green spray on main vinyl, Ailesh will either be Metallic Flo Pink or Metallic Flo Green. All toys will also have tinsel inside. There will be 5 of each set available -
Set A: Kurzweil & Erewhon (5 of each set) • Set B: Neumann & Vinge (5 of each set)... along with some Blanks! The sets will be $150 each and they come with a bag, header card, and Fumetsu Ailesh enamel lapel pin... the blanks will be sold as individuals for $70 each, no header or pin. Snag them up
HERE at the above date and time!
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