They came into our lives in the 80s, "touching us" in ways we could've never imagined. One from the stars and the other a brightly lit star on Earth. But as quickly as they touched our childhoods, they were gone. But now they're back. . .and they're coming after your fondest childhood memories and there's no telling who will win. Will it be the Reese's pieces peddling Alien or the single gloved Predator in disguise? One thing's for sure, "Whoever wins. . .Your childhood loses." This outrageous
"Alien vs Predator" P.Y.E.T. Edition, created by
Special Ed Toys, is a run of 30 signed and numbered sets. You got both MJ and E.T. for $100 and they all are hand painted and made out of 100% resin and 100% vintage Chinese plastic! Artwork and cards were produced by the uber talented
Junk Fed. Want the set... pick it up at the DKE Toys booth #812!
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