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ESC Toys x Chucklefish - 'Starbound Penguin Plush Project' Kickstarter launched!

Erick Scarecrow over at Esctoy.com has just sent word about a new project he has just launched in collaboration with Chucklefish called the 'Starbound Penguin Plush Project'. Since 2005, ESC has been producing a lot of collectibles in the form of vinyl, resin, and of course, plush... and their involvement in this project is that they’ll be designing, producing, and handling the fulfillment of the production. Starbound is an extraterrestrial sandbox adventure game in which you take on the role of a character who’s just fled from their home planet, only to find themselves lost in space with a damaged ship. Their only option is to beam down to the planet below and begin gathering the resources they need to repair their ship and set off to explore the vast, infinite universe...
In Starbound, penguins are sentient beings, living and working alongside the galaxy's other races. Despite their outwardly cute appearance, they are mischievous rogues who prefer the darker underbelly of society. Some penguins have achieved great renown as rogue scientists, black market dealers and even space pirates... and these being made into plush if the project gets fully funded. Head on over HERE right now to pledge, help unlock special stretch goals, and most of all, turn this dream into reality!

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