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Skinner x Leecifer - Header card art teaser for custom 'Picklebaby' release!!!

"Steeped in witchcraft and black magic from time humans huddled together in crude earthen huts when rose a blood moon. Skinner revels in his neolithic pickle tottem. It's twisted magics kept in check w/ a custom sigil crafted by the mage himself from his own dark garden. But should the charm fall from this otherwise friendly toy there will be blood from all!!!" Coming soon from Skinner is a micro run of hand painted sofubi Picklebaby's (created by Leecifer)... and there will be only 10 pieces up for grabs... and if the figure is anything like the custom painted header cards seen above... then we are ALL IN! Look for these to release very soon via Skinner's online store HERE in the near future!

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