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Storm Troopers + Teenange Mutant Ninja Turtles = "StormTurtles"!!!

WickedMasterMind is back with a brand new 3" Dunny custom that answers the age old question "What does a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle dress up as for Halloween?"... the answer, a Storm Trooper, of course!!! This is the first part of a multipart series that is coming later in the year entitled "Turtles Wars"... and the first figure in this line is the "StormTurtles". What's better than a ninja turtle?? A ninja Turtle wearing a Stromtrooper mask! This is a pre-order that starts today at 4pm PST, and the "StormTurles" will be available as your favorite turtle including "Mike", "Leo", "Donny", and "Raph"... so pick your favorite or collect them all! They will be available HERE for $50 a pop!

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