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The Circus Punk of Garamon! Atom Gray's "Garapunk" for Garamaniacal Too!

Those classic knock-down figures at carnivals, known as circus punks, get just a little bit stranger as artist Atom Gray introduces his "Garapunk" handmade pieces. Based on Garamon, the popular 'Meteorite Monster' from Ultra Q, these will be available in an edition of 36 pieces exclusively from Foe Gallery's upcoming Garamanical Too exhibition. A truly fantastic take on the classic kaiju creature, I personally hope I'll be able to score one of these sweet figures before they sell out!
"Garamaniacal Too," a Garamon themed group exhibit, opens on Friday, February 13th with a reception from 6-9PM local time and runs through March 8th, 2015 at Foe Store & Gallery, 28 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA 01060.

Participating artists include: Alex Wald, Ansis Purins, Atom Gray, Beau Berkley, Bob Conge (PLASEEBO), Bob Eggleton, Brian Mahony (GUUMON), Bwana Spoons, Cherry Au, David Coffman, Grizlli Atom, James Biggie, James Groman, Jeff Lamm, Joe Whiteford, Jon Malmstedt (Rampage Toys), Josh Herbolsheimer, Lee Gajda (Leecifer), Mark Dabelstein, Mark Nagata, Matthew Allison, MCA, Michael Nordstrom, Michael Skattum, Paul Kaiju, Phil Staszkiw, Ralph Cosentino, Rei Alvarez, Rob Kimmel, Ryan Berkley, Ryan Bonsall, Ryan Hungerford, Stephen Blickenstaff, and Todd Robertson (Mechavirus).

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