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"No Love City" custom Mega Munny by DrilOne!!!

Josh Hammond, the founder/owner of clothing company No Love City, has been collecting designer toys and art for some time now, and most recently he and his wife decided it was time to commission one of their favorite artists to create a Mega Munny for their company... and above is what they got, a fantastic custom from DrilOne! Josh mentions "I've spent quite a bit of time admiring every detail of it up close and keep coming across new things I missed. He not only made it represent our brand, but really gave it the look of a tagged wall slapped on to a toy. He did this by taking the time to add personal touches, homage to past crews, lost friends, etc. Beneath the layers is really a powerful piece of art that we're honored to have in collection." Shoot... anyone would be stoked to have this in their collection, Dril did an amazing job!!! Congrats on a boss custom, Josh!

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