Check out this awesome addition to the upcoming "DTA Dunny Show" being held at
Clutter Gallery this weekend... titled "
Skully Drake", this custom Dunny by
WuzOne is a 8" custom an features Wuz's meticulous line and paint work... which is 100% hand painted using spray paint, acrylics and finished off with a matte varnish. Great work, man!!! The "DTA Dunny Show" is a custom group exhibition that will open on January 10th with a reception from 6-9PM local time and be on display until February 6th, 2015 at The Clutter Gallery, 163 Main St., Beacon, NY 12508. Participating artists include:
64 Colors, Artmymind, Bwana Spoons, Carson Catlin, Davemarkart, David Finch, DeeTen, Dolly Oblong, Frank Kozik, Gabriel Carpio, Grimsheep, J★RYU, Jenn & Tony Bot, Jesse Hernandez, Jon-Paul Kaiser, Josh Mayhem, Lou Pimentel, Luke Chueh, Ryan the Wheelbarrow, Scarecrowoven, So Youn Lee, and Wuz One.
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