It looks like
Leecifer handed over a large batch of his sofubi Picklebaby figures to the one and only
Nebulon5... with the end result being what you see above and below... some beautifully painted figures, all of which will be up for grabs at the SpankyStokes booth #518 during Designer Con 2014!!! Above is a peek at just a few of the one-off hand painted customs by Neb... and hot damn do they look good. These will retail for $150 a pop... but wait, there's more...

On top of the one-offs, Neb created a micro run of custom Picklebaby figures in what he is calling the "Sausage Fest" colorway... which by the way, has no resemblance of sausage... rather, these feature a multitude of colors sprayed with precision... so awesome! these will retail for a mere $80 a pop... the deal of the con right there! Be sure to swing by our booth during the con to pick these up!
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