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One-Eyed Girl's Beetlejuice, Pee Wee & Mars Attacks! inspired custom Munnys for The Burton Show!

Opening the night after Halloween, what could be more appropriate than a Tim Burton themed art show?!? The fantastically stylized art of Kasey "One-Eyed Girl" Tararuj is showcased with four pieces in this group exhibition, including the two above pictured Beetlejuice ones: the "Harry the Hunter" 7-inch Munny body with sculpted head & clothes and the "Betelgeuse" 4-inch Mini Munny with a sculpted sandworm stuck to his head! Then visiting Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Tararuj turns her talents to turning a Micro Munny into "Little Pee Wee" (below left), perfectly captured in his iconic laugh. Finally, she's created the "Martian One-Eyed Girl" (below right), a three-dimensional 8"×10" painting of the memorable character from Mars Attacks!

"The Burton Show," a PopZilla! Gallery curated group art show, opens Saturday, November 1st, 2014 with a reception from 6-10PM at the Rothick Art Haus, 170 S Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805.

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