This Halloween toy artist, Mikie Graham will be showcasing his new body of work, 30 custom Monster Dunnys along with his Mega Dunny haunted house playset. Going down from 4pm-8pm at Kidrobot San Francisco, Mikie will be hosting a Halloween themed get together featuring live art, candy, a costume contest and tons of spooky fun! Drop by, check out (and buy) one or all of Mikie's little monsters, and make sure to come dressed in your best Halloween costume... as Mikie hints that the prize for best costume will be an original hand painted custom figure!

Also to note... Mikie Graham aka Zombiemonkie has just
released a whopping 30 figures in his new Dunny Monster custom figure series via his store
HERE - it has been a one figure a day, every day release so far... for the entire month of October... and there are some awesome designs already released! On top of the DIY version of each character releasing for $15, the next day, Mikie releases a fully painted version of the same design for $45... so cool!!! So are you keeping track???
That's 15 characters x 2 variations = 30 days of monster madness, and above are the designs up for grabs
HERE right now!
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