It's been a while since we have seen any work from
Fuller, but he just sent us a MASSIVE piece that he recently completed... and just like the majority of his customs, we are blown away! Entitled "
Warrior King", you can see that the figure itself is a custom PAW from Coarse Toys sculpted/painted to resemble an ancient samurai warrior, ,but this customs didn't just stop at the figure. Fuller mentions "
The customer loved what I did with the King Kong PAW and wanted me to do something along the lines of a Warrior leaping the Great Wall of China. Needless to say I was a little concerned of the scale of it, but as long as he had shelf room I decided... why not?!" So yeah... Fuller went and created a portion of the Great Wall, and hot damn... what a custom!!! The paint, the sculpting, the concept and the execution... 100% top notch work here. WOW!
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