Bashprojects returns from a brief hiatus, delivering a brilliant looking custom on the 12-inch tall vinyl figure with resin base "Target," which itself was designed by Luke Chueh and released by Munky King. This creation is titled "Why So Serious?" depicting an über-fan — named Barnie — who "went all out on his Cosplay suit this year. He decided to go as the Joker," the Heath Ledger portrayed version from
The Dark Knight film, so he "cut open the sides of his mouth so he could tell people how he got those scars…" While the base is adequately painted, it serves as a mere backdrop for the figure proper, a beautiful piece with intricate sculpting work and gorgeous washed color palates. Every detail on the figure is precise, right down to the simple thread connected to the grenade pins. This was a surprise piece for a private collector in the U.S., but you can commission your own custom Bashprojects's creation by
contacting the artist.

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