Taking Ron English's 4-inch diameter "Smiley Grin" piggy banks and customizing them takes a lot of talent, as the base form is not only classic and easily recognized but also inherently English's work. But, under the talented hand of UK artist
Jon-Paul Kaiser, these vinyl figures were transformed… one into "Scribed Murphy," a rendition of Robocop with arcane writing on his exposed bone, and "Joker," a grinning version of the
Batman: The Dark Knight villain. Both created as commissions, these true
objets d'art are scarcely recognizable from their original form and all without the assistance of sculpting… that, at the end of the day, takes quite a bit of talent! While these aren't available for sale, we understand that Kaiser might be taking new commission requests; if you're interested, please politely
contact him and request to be added to his commission list.

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