Fantastic sculptural customizer
Shadoe Delgado, one of the 'new' wave bridging the gap between fine art and vinyl toys, has opened up his 2014/2015 commission list! As creating art is his full-time job now, he can dedicate the proper amount of time to creating a masterpiece for you! His aim is to do one custom every week for the next year (though larger pieces will take longer, obviously)… Commissioned works will be created in the order requests are placed, with tentative dates for when it should be completed delivered immediately. Delgado has also
expanded his policies to include returning customer discounts as well as guarantees for premium extras should your commissioned work's due date be missed by more than a month. Those interested in commissioning a Dunny, Munny, or Labbit platform can simply place their order for the appropriate sized beast in
Delgado's online shop, though those desiring something a bit more unique should contact the artist at
ShadoeDelgado [at] gmail [dot] com to work out the details with Delgado directly.
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