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"Human Cannonball" custom set by Pause Designs... is FANTASTIC!!!

Eric aka Pause Designs just sent over a brand new custom set he just created... and one thing we love about his work, it's always top notch! He tends to keep to himself for a month or so and then emerges with awesome creations... and this go around he created a fantastic trio for the upcoming Whimsknuckle show in Houston, TX. Each artist in the show received a 18" Knucklebear and was asked to create a piece with a circus theme... and above is his submission!
Entitled the "Human Cannonball", Pause dissected the Knucklebear to make up four figures. Each clown is one of the Knucklebear's arms, the Knucklebear's head became the kid's helmet, and the torso became the cannon. The kid is an 8" Munny... not only is it amazing, but it tells a story which we love! The detail level on each piece is really amazing, and we just love the creative use of each of the body parts... a home run, once again! Can't wait to see your next piece, dude!

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