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Awesome original sculpts from Blazon Brikhaus!

Lately, artist Elizabeth Sanquiche aka Blazon Brikhaus has taken a bit of a detour from her normal state of custom figures to test her hand at original sculpts for art shows... a really cool practice, in my opinion, to grow as a artist. She tells us that she will be working her way to smaller pieces, possibly women/beasts/mythical type stuff. That being said, above are a few of these pieces she has recently completed, and I thought it would be rad to share them everyone! I really do like the direction she is going, and the fact that she is trying to push herself as an artist! The pieces are titled "Queen of Hearts" which was completed for the Heart Strings Show at Suburban Vinyl that is up for grabs HERE, the other is "Death Becomes Her", and lastly, "Sweet As Sugar" which is for the Valkyries show at Mindzai Creative on the 20th of March at 7pm!

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