We have all seen those 1/4 dissected kaiju illustrations of the inner working of monsters, showing off their "Fire Sac", "Magma Glands", "Transverse Arteries", "Brain Chambers" and so many other creative 'called out' parts that make a monster... well, those have just been illustrations... and now, UK based artist
Jon-Paul Kaiser, took this concept to another dimension by recreating the same effect on a 8" Dunny he is calling the
"Anatomical" Dunny! Created as a commission for a super lucky collector out there, this is an imaginary anatomical piece inspired by illustrations and etched prints from old textbooks!

As you can see, the "call out" labels mimic those found in scientific textbook illustrations... but are actual 3D pieces attached tho the figure itself. JPK mentions that "
The labels are made-up and a little tongue-in-cheek, and in no way accurate... and seeing as it's a private commission for a medical professional, it's also pretty fitting." Executed in the classic JPK Black/White color pallet, this is an awesomely executed custom and I would love to see Jon-Paul expand on this with other customs!
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