It has been a while since we heard hide-nor-hair from Texas-based artist
RxSeven, whose talented hands continue to transform simple pieces of vinyl into
objets d'art that not only make your jaw drop in their beauty but also explore the fragile relationship between life and death within the natural world. But, thankfully, RxSeven's silence hasn't meant a thing… other than he was busy working; he'll have two fantastic pieces at the
Vinyl Thoughts Nation booth for
Designer Con, one being the "Rosewood Samurai" pictured above and below. Conceptually, he's a "bionic Samurai resurrected through Nature. His Purpose in this world is to protect the weak and serve the forest." In more tangible terms, this completely resculpted one-of-a-kind Mega Munny stands 22-inches tall and the bionic hand element incorporates working lights into it! If you want to add this simply stunning sculptural work to your original art collection, then please contact the artist directly (
rxsevenart [at] gmail [dot] com) to place inquires and/or a reservation on this $770 collection centerpiece.
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