Crummy Gummy is going to introduce a few new products at this years NYCC 2013, and first up is an awesome "
Mutant Gummy Bear" mask that will be on display during his signing on Friday Oct. 11th from 3pm-4pm at Booth #208 during the con! The mask was a collaboration between Crummy Gummy and
Atomic Vomit... and wow did it turn out awesome! He mentions that this mask will be used in future art projects he has coming up in the beginning of 2014.

Also on tap for NYCC his newest resin figure titled "
Midi-Chlorians" which will be available at the Tenacious Toys booth #208 for NYCC. There will only be 10 available for $40 each, and 5 of these Crummy Gummys have fallen to the dark side and 5 are warriors of the light side. These are a collab between Crummy Gummy and
Manny X and they look great... a perfect comic-con release!
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