3rd Annual Designer Toys Awards' Ceremony tonight... and it's being streamed LIVE!!!!
Watch live streaming video from designertoyawards at livestream.com
NYCC 2013 is going off this week and along with the 4-day convention, Saturday night... TONIGHT... hold the ceremony for the long awaited 3rd annual Designer Toy Awards at New York City's Hudson Terrace!!! Located a mere mile from the Jacob K. Javett's Convention Center, the Hudson Terrace — 621 West 46th Street, New York, NY 10036 — looks to be the ideal locale for this year's awards! Hosted by The Super Sucklord, this event is actually going to be broadcast LIVE for the first time for all of us out-of-towners who are unable to make the trip! So we can join in LIVE October 12th at 8PM (EST). Either watch from the above embedded video player at 5pm PST tonight, or click HERE and enjoy the show!
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