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Arts Unknown new colorways of Dok A.'s "Bella", Baseman's "Slugilicious", and Kozik's "William, Reginald & Henry"!!!

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The folks over at Arts Unknown just informed us that the followup colorways to Bella, Slugilicious, and William, Reginald & Henry are in hand and ready to ship!!! William, Reginald & Henry come in the "Classic" colorway by Frank Kozik... and limited to 150 pieces, Slugilicious slithers in with his new "Blue" colorway by Gary Baseman... limited to 100 pieces, and lastly Bella Delamere in the brand new "A Midnight Tryst" colorway by Doktor A is limited to 250 pieces – 100 pieces for Arts Unknown members sold by Arts Unknown and 150 pieces for non-members sold exclusively by Collect and Display. All of these pieces are available via their online store HERE right now, so go an get em!!!

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