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The Jelly Empire wants you to rumble Luchador style on Facebook & Twitter!

If I understand the The Jelly Empire's new Luchador-themed "Luchabots!" series correctly, then these Mexican wrestler inspired robots need your help to determine the winner in each fight! Basically, each of the six wrestlers will compete with the others in elimination rounds until there is only one remaining, the true victor of the matches! Here's how The Jelly Empire explains it working:
The first round will be Electrico VS Ventisca. To vote for the one you want to see win everyone can either tweet 'My money is on ___________ in the #electricoVSventisca fight @thejellyempire' or go to my Facebook Fanpage and vote on the battle card when it's posted.

The second round will be El Fuego VS El Pescador. To vote for the one you want to see win everyone can either tweet 'My money is on ___________ in the #fuegoVSpescador fight @thejellyempire' or go to my Facebook Fanpage and vote on the battle card when it's posted.

The third round will be Desatre VS El Muerte. To vote for the one you want to see win everyone can either tweet 'My money is on ___________ in the #desatreVSmuerte fight @thejellyempire' or go to my Facebook Fanpage and vote on the battle card when it's posted.
Voting starts today (July 8th, 2013) and will be open for 3 days! The winner in each fight will be determined by the fans voting. What is this all for, aside from a bit of fun? While not explicitly stated, it sounds like each wrestler bot will be available to purchase during the fights in The Jelly Empire's online shop and that the winner of all the matches will come the champion belt!

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