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"Roasting" custom PAW! and "Pill Keeper" custom Dunny by "Pill Keeper" by Ian Ziobrowski

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Ian Ziobrowski has been keeping really busy on the customizing front and recently finished a few customs that turned out quite fantastic! First up is "Roasting"... this Nuggyeater is one of Ian's biggest yet. Standing 12" tall, this custom Paw Raw can be seen miles away roasting the finest in NUGGLIFE. These are not commonly seen creatures, but will devour fields within minuets. Best have some good traps, cause it will take a lot to take one of these down.

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Lastly is Ian's "Pill Keeper"... Evil has come to NUGGLIFE... for a green country only something must done. Even "Crook Ed" the cop doesn't approve of this custom 3" Dunny. He's a creepy looking dude who is trying to run the streets! Ian really does a great job with all of these figures!

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