The Master of Melt himself,
Buff Monster, is bringing an assortment of resin goodies cast by
HealeyMade along with him to the 2013
San Diego Comic-Con! As pictured above, there's three "Ice Cream Resin Head" pieces (pink devil head, glow-in-the dark zombie head, and glow-in-the-dark regular head) which are all super limited and only $20 apiece as well as a trio of "Ice Cream Resin Head" pack — featuring black with purple glitter zombie head, black with purple glitter regular head, and crystal clear skull head — for $55 per pack and two new tiny runs of "Melty Misfits Cheap Toy: Double Heather"… one in Frosted Clear and the other in Gloss Pink with Glitter, both only $15 each. All of that wonderment will be with Buff on Friday, July 19th, 2013 from 1-3
PM when he'll be signing alongside L'amour Supreme and Greg Mishka at
Toy Tokyo's SDCC Booth #5337.
Want something even more special? Then, as pictured below, Buff will have some hand-painted custom "Ice Cream Resin Head" pieces with him; some are even test pulls in weird colors that never got released, but all of them are hand-painted and one-of-a-kind. The only way to snag these is to find the man himself when he's wandering around and beg him to sell you one!
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