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Scott Tolleson's "Vulgaris Deity Idol" custom Deadbeet for the Toy Art Gallery "Deadbeet Group Custom Show"!!!

 photo scotttolleson-deadbeet-TAG-spankystokes-vulgarisDeityidol.jpg
 The man himself, the main squeeze, the head honcho, the Argyle Warrior... Mr. Scott Tolleson has just revealed his custom Deadbeet for the upcoming "Deadbeet Group Custom Show" which is being held at Toy Art Gallery this Saturday, June 29th... and holy smokes, it's one rad looking beet! Titled "Vulgaris Deity Idol" this is one rotten beet who sprouted an extra pair of arms, and looks to be the main beet that all others worship. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, seeing as Scott is the creator of the Deadbeet, but it sure is fitting that he made a fake idol for all the other custom beet's in the show to worship. Paying homage to his recently released "Argyle Warrior" Dunny, this beet is sporting a very similar style necklace as well... and wow, it turned out great!

The Deadbeet Group Custom Show will open on June 29th and be on display until July 21st, 2013 at Toy Art Gallery, 7571 Melrose Ave., Hollywood, CA 90046.
Participating artists include: 64 Colors, Adam Pratt, Ajee, Ayleen Gaspar, Blamo (Mikie Graham), Brent Nolasco, Brian Flynn, Carson Catlin, Chauskoskis, D-LuX, DataDub, DrilOne, Elegab, Frank Kozik, Frenzy Bros., George Gaspar, GERMS, Grody Shogun, Ian Ziobrowski, Jay222, JC Rivera, Jeremiah Ketner, Jon Knox, Julie West, Kevin Herdeman, KiLL! Graffiti, Leecifer, MAp-MAp, Monstrehero, Motorbot, Nathan Hamill, Nebulon5, Oliver Hibert, PaulKaiju, PJ Constable, Ragnar, Rodney Rydzfski, Rsinart, Scott Tolleson, John "Spanky" Stokes, Squink, Sucklord, Sunguts, Tim Wollweber, Topheroy, valleyDweller, Velocitron, and VISEone.

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