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Color Ink Book - The DIY Art Periodical on Kickstarter!

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The Brothers Washburn, the folks behind Color Ink Book, have recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to help get their original DIY, lowbrow art periodical featuring 10-12 artists and over 100 pages of black & white art per issue into the hands of more folks... and need your help! The money raised from this crowd sourced event will go to giving them the extra push that they need to print larger quantities and drive distribution. Your money goes straight to the cause, to getting the product into your hands – absolutely nothing goes in their pocket, it’s all about getting the consumer the goods, as cost effectively as possible and with your support. This is truly a labor of love for these guys, and there are a ton of tier levels for everyone... so head on over HERE right now, show your support, and help this get funded!

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