Our lives have been lacking reveals from the talented customizer & sculptor
Shadoe Delgado lately, as he focused his attention on University (yes, people always forget how young he is for such an accomplished artist). But, thankfully, the dry spell in new works for him has ended and we're treated to the wonderful bit of eye-candy posted above: an 18-inch tall Mega Munny made for the
Oakland Museum's "we/customize" exhibit. Delgado spent three weeks preparing this massive endeavor prior to the opening and then completed him during a 3 day live demonstration at the museum. Depicting one of Delgado's infamous Shadowlings, this piece will be available shortly after June 2nd, 2013 in
Delgado's online shop for a cool grand and, we're told, that Delgado's commission list for Summer has a limited number of spaces remaining… if you want to get in on his amazing sculpture meets custom artwork, send Delgado an e-mail to
shadoedelgado [at] gmail [dot] com.
we/customize" is open now and available for viewing until June 2nd, 2013 at the
Oakland Museum, 1000 Oak St., Oakland, CA 94607.
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