We teased a few weeks back at a possible giveaway featuring the work of customizer Reactor-88... and now all has been revealed! The folks over at
Brand New Intention aka BNI have certainly debuted their fair share of graphic tees featuring the artwork of new, up-in-coming artists, but this latest launch is truly something special as they teamed up with Los Angeles-based vinyl toy artist, Reactor-88! Building a name for his handcrafted custom vinyl toys and original artwork, BNI's latest shirt features his signature totem design and is currently available for pre-order
HERE right now.

In fact, for every pre-order placed in their store, you’ll receive an entry for a chance to own this exclusive vinyl "Totem" Foomi from Reactor-88 himself. This is a unique opportunity to own an original piece of artwork from an exciting artist who’s been carving out his name in the west coast art world.
Pre-Order for the King Totem T-shirt starts TODAY, May 3rd 2013 will end on June 1st, 2013. T-Shirts will be shipped in Mid-June (Plenty of time for Comic-Con), and the winner of the Reactor-88 Custom Foomi will be contacted by June 5, 2013! Seriously... go grab one of thee folks!
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