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J★RYU's Stunning Sculptures for "Strange Symbiosis" Giant Robot 2 Show!

Leaning towards his amazing sculptural talent, Army of Snipers member J★RYU grants us a couple of glances at his fantastic work for the previously announced and upcoming "Strange Symbiosis" four-person group show at Giant Robot. Entitled "spider" and "snail" respectively, these pieces are not only stunningly structured and detailed but bring a flair of the Eastern world along with them. We can't wait for proper pictures so that we can see everything in all their glory.

The "Strange Symbiosis" exhibition of works by Scott Tolleson, Leecifer, J★RYU, and Aaron Brown opens on May 4th with a reception from 6:30-10PM Pacific time and runs through May 22nd, 2013 at GR2, 2062 Sawtelle Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025.

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