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Kalin Thompson's Breathtaking 'Allegory of Triumph' Painting!

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I'm just going to give you all a minute to digest all of this, because this level of magnificence is like a buffet for the eyes: they rush in to scope it all out, then after a few passes, slow down to really peruse the parts they like. When you're ready, I'll meet you below.

This, ladies and gentleman, is Kalin Thompson's 'An Allegory of Triumph'. A huge, 39" x 79" oil on panel painting that looks like it's straight out of the Renaissance. We were all floored by his exquisite Quartermaine Mega Munny he painted last year, and our failure to articulate only continues with this stunning follow up. The movement and level of detail is just uncanny. The piece is part of a larger body of work that Kalin is currently working on, so isn't yet available for purchase. We'll keep you in the loop as soon as we hear more!

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