I guess it's true: there is no rest for the wicked. Of course, I never imagined considering Richard "
UME Toys" Page as one of the wicked… until I learned that he'd been immersed in sculpting his newest prototype for the last week and it was of a severed, shrunken head! But even with this grisly topic, Page someone manages to craft something that is not only perfect but also perfectly adorable. And I adore how the stitched up mouth and eyes seems to have the thread playing gleefully over smiling elements… And if you want one of these beautiful baddies, which are named "Suki," then you might want to attend the 1st
Cardiff Tattoo & Toy Con on July 20th-21st, 2013… since "Suki," or at least the initial release of her, will be exclusive to the event!
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