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inki-Jinx's Crabapple Plush Kickstarter Project!

Bay Area artist and inki-Jinx founder Shelly Rodriguez recently launched a Kickstarter project to help fund her newest plush, Crabapple -- a 12" wide crab/apple hybrid made from soft, minky faux fur. But she needs our help! The initial goal was to raise $4,500 -- enough to bring 250 of these cranky crustaceans into existence. Well guess what? That goal's been blown out of the water and we've now entered stretch goal territory. With $6,235 bagged and still 8 days to go, Rodriguez has her sights set on the next level: $12,500, and we want to help get her there! More funding means more Crabapples for all, and on top of that, everyone who pledges at the $65+ mark will also receive a bonus Ika plush in an all-new navy blue x aqua colourway if it's funded. THAT'S A CRAB AND A SQUID FOR THE PRICE OF ONE, PEOPLE! Wooty-woo! So watch the video, pledge what you can, and help support this awesome indie company!
 photo crabapple.jpg

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