Chris Moore of '
We Become Monsters' has just announced his latest resin toy release, and if your into skulls and shrooms, these "Amanita Must Scare Ya" figures are for you! "
Amanita Must Scare Ya, commonly known as the maggot agaric (pron.: /ˈæɡərɪk/) or zombie amanita (pron.: /ˌæməˈnaɪtə/), is a reanimorphic and psychoactive necromycete fungus, one of many in the genus Amanita. Native throughout the temperate and boreal regions of northern Transylvania, Amanita Must Scare Ya has been unintentionally introduced to many countries in the southern hemisphere, generally as a symbiont with morgues and cemeteries, and is now a true cosmopolitan species." Each one is a hand cast, hand painted non-articulated resin art toy that measures 3" tall and for this release there will be:
18 RANDOM ONE OFF COLORWAYS for $22 each, 4 GLOW VERSIONS for $25 each, and 4 Cold Cast Bronze Versions for $45 each!!! These will be up for grabs on Thursday, March 7th
HERE at 9am PST!
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