Laird "
Big Trubble" Henderson tells us that he has "been building up a stack of products and slowly building my reputation," which — based on these pieces — he's been holding out on letting us know about for WAY too long. These "Leader" figures have been sculpted, molded, cast and painted by Henderson, based off an illustration design by
Jamiyla Lowe. The above 8-inch tall version is the "original colorway," limited to a mere 9 pieces that include the six follower figures, for $500 each, while the below detailed version is the "Idol Edition," limited to 5 copies for $300 apiece. Both simply stunning versions will be part of the forthcoming "A Clear Blazing Fire" group art show in Toronto, Canada.
A Clear Blazing Fire" will open on Friday, March 15th with a reception from 7-10PM and be on display until April 14th, 2013 at
Magic Pony, 680 Queen St W, Toronto, ON Canada.
Includes work by: Alexandra Mackenzie, Howie Tsui, Jamiyla Lowe, Laird Henderson/Big Trubble, Nathan Jurevicius, Patrick Kyle and Theo Gallaro.
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