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Color Ink Book Volume 18 Released! Angry Woebots, PodgyPanda, Mr. Toast & Teodoru Badiu!!!

Those notorious Brothers Washburn guys continue their campaign to make DIY coloring books über-fun, releasing Volume 18 in their Color Ink Book series. With three covers to choose from — featuring art by either Aaron "Angry Woebots" Martin (above), PodgyPandy (below left) or Dan "Mr. Toast" Goodsell (below right) — it's really hard to go wrong with this 100+ page beauty. Inside this "D.I.Y. Periodical" are page after page of black & white illustrations for you to color in, featuring pieces by each of the cover artists as well as Bruce Parker, Bigfoot, Colby Sunshine, Poleta, Teodoru Badiu, Chris Dyer and Jerome Lu (Hyperactive Monkey). Copies of the 8.5" x 11" perfect bound magazine are available now HERE.

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