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Blank "Purple" Cadaver Kids & "Blood Sacrifice" Usir from Splurrt... releasing this Saturday 02/16/2013

Joe M. aka Splurrt has just announced a special release this Saturday, February 16th where you can get your grubby little mitts on some seriously cool vinyl! First up is his all "Purple" Cadaver Kids! These will be live HERE at 1pm (EST) on the 16th, they will be limited to one per customer, and will cost $50 a pop... and how delicious do those look, a nice shade of purple indeed!

Up next are some really rad looking Usirs in the all new "Blood Sacrifice" edition! These are much more limited, so they will be available via lottery system... now here is the skinny! Joe will be accepting lotto entries at 12pm (EST) on Saturday through 12am (EST) Sunday... that's a 12 hour window, and if you want in, all you need to do is send your entry to splurrt@yahoo.com with the following information: Subject "Blood Sacrifice Usir lottery", Your Name, Your Address, Your paypal e-mail, Your Skullbrain user name if you're on Skullbrain. Winners will be sent a paypal invoice within 24 hours of lottery closing, and if you win, you send over $66.60 plus $7 for domestic shipping within 48 hours of being notified! For more info, hit up his site HERE, and best of luck trying to snag these up!

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