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Mutant Vinyl Hardcore x Kaiju Korner's "Doji San (Watermelonhead Edition)" Lottery!

Richard "LASH" Montanari of Mutant Vinyl Hardcore has teamed up with Kaiju Korner to release a new version of the amazing "Doji San" sofubi figure. This "Watermelonhead" edition is cast in glorious glow-in-the-dark vinyl with metallic green paint and hot pink, red and silver details. Coming with both the cyclops and demon masks, these figures also include a full-color 5"x7" Doji San-inspired print by Kaiju Korner's Irene Fu. Due to the extremely limited nature of this release, buyers will be selected by lottery system: Starting today (January 31st, 2013) at 9PM Pacific time until tomorrow (February 1st, 2013) at 8:59PM Pacific time, simply send an e-mail to MVH [dot] DojiSan [at] gmail [dot] com with the title "WatermeLLonhead" and include your name, address, Skullbrain.org username (if you have one) and Instagram username (if you have one) in the body. If you're selected, the piece will cost $85 plus shipping… and please only apply to the lottery if you seriously would want one.

Additionally, an unpainted red glow-in-the-dark "Doji San" Now what about Scarecrowoven's print? It's an optional addition for lottery winners, snagging one of these 7-color 18" x 24" silkscreen prints on heavy cream colored french paper for a mere $25. Remaining copies of the print will be available from Mutant Vinyl Hardcore's online shop on January 16th, 2013 for $50 each.
*** UPDATE *** We're informed that the unpainted glow-in-the-dark is a "normal" GID color sofubi with red doll eyes, just to clarify that the vinyl itself is not red.

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