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"I Know a Stuffed Rhino" custom hand crafted plush rhino's from Alisa Ross of 40threads!!!

Continuing with the massive amount of releases this week from Scribe and his super talented wife Alisa, is a new small series of plush mounted heads created, designed, and stuffed 100% by Alisa herself. The series is called "I Know a Stuffed Rhino", and as you can see from the photos above, these are some quality creations! The base form is in a 9-inch square, but they all vary since Alisa customizes each one. All of these adorable plush Rhino's will be up for grabs this Friday, November 16th via their webstore HERE at 5pm CST! Oh, and if you are curious what Alisa is up to, be sure to follow her Instagram account HERE as she shows a ton of her WIP shots!!!

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