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Tenacious Toys art collective booth @ NYCC 2012

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All I gotta say is wow... that's how you do things!!! This year for New York Comic Con, Tenacious Toys practically doubled the size of their booth, and split it with a whole group of artists including: Bad Applez Inc (NEMO and OsirisOrion), Kris Dulfer (KiD iNK iNDUSTRiES), Mr. Munk, Ian Ziobrowski, Matt Anderson, and Rsin... and on top of all of them having all their own stuff, TT also hosted a ton of signings, releases, and artist of their own including exclusives like the Uncle Argh Noir and JPK Pandaimyo Blue Mini Qees; customs and resin figures by a huge variety of artists and companies, prints, Jason Freeny's Gummi figures, VISEone's Tube Monsters, new vinyls from Bugs & Plush, Rampage Toys customs and one-offs, as well as resin from JRyu... and so much more!!! It was really cool to visit this booth hourly because there was something new going on all the time. I took a ton of photos, so hit the jump to see what all went down... at least the best I could capture it!

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