One of the big after parties for NYCC was the Kidrobot 10 year Anniversary retrospective, and I gotta say, it was probably one of the best parties I have been to that involved our scene. The place was packed with fans and artist alike... and one those doors opened, all were intertwined as they mingled about in the 2 story shop! Ryan "The Wheelbarrow" along with some others from Kidrobot really went all out setting up a chronogical timeline of releases... from 2003 all the way to 2012 with all kinds of descriptive narratives and fun stories to accompany the exhibit!
There was also a really fantastic silent auction on hand where there were some amazing custom pieces up for grabs from the like of Kozik, kaNO, MAD, Scribe, Chuckboy, 64 Colors, Jeremyville, L'amour Supreme, and others. Kidrobot has really been the godfather for Western vinyl and I know the majority of US collectors owe it to them for opening our eyes to the wide world of designer vinyl... and I look forward to the next 10 years that Kidrobot has in store for us! I took quite a bit of photos at the event, and the great folks over at Albotas put together a pretty dope video that highlighted the event as well... so hit the jump for the photos, and watch the video above!
*RECAP* Kidrobot's 10 Year Anniversary Party!
Reviewed by SpankyStokes
October 17, 2012
Rating: 5
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