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Free Goodie Friday 10/26/12 on SpankyStokes.com - Win a "Halloween" Leopard Cavey!!!

It's finally Friday... and boy did this week drag, but hey... if you follow SS.com you know what Friday means, right?!?! It's FREE GOODIE FRIDAY time, and more specifically an awesome one at that!!! So what do we have for you today... well, thanks to Holly aka A Little Stranger, she donated up a whopping total of 5 Leopard Cavey's... and seeing how it's so close to Halloween, these feisty little critters felt like dressing up... so each one has a cute little mask which are individually made form hand cut felt and have a tab of velcro on the back, to remove and play with the rest of your Cavey collection... and on top of that, each comes with a Cavey Cube, a black enamel badge (super rare, not available to buy!) and a glitter sticker...WOW!!!! So, 5 of you have the chance to win all this... wanna know how? Keep reading...
1. First up you gotta give Cavey a follow on Twitter HERE and SpankyStokes.com a follow HERE then send out this tweet "I am entered to an 1 of 5 "Leopard Halloween" Cavey's thanks to @heycavey - Go to http://www.spankystokes.com to enter #SSCAV" You can just copy and paste the above quoted text, without the quotes of course, and be sure to include the #SSCAV hashtag because that's how we track your entry :-)

2. Next, visit the Cavey Facebook page HERE and 'LIKE' them... they won't bite... and then hit up the SpankyStokes.com Facebook page and 'LIKE' us!

3. Finally, just leave a comment in THIS post suggesting to Holly what her next Cavey should be. You can suggest fabric, a theme, a color, a famous person... anything!!! Just be creative... and who know, she might just make it!
Now, each one of those steps is an entry... so if you do all of them, you get 3 entries!!! This contest will end Sunday night 10/28/2012 at 10:00pm so you only have a few days get your entries in, after all is said and done, 5 lucky winners will be chosen at random and will have this awesome prize pack sent out their way! Good luck to all that enter and a big thanks goes out to Holly and her Cavey crew!!! Oh, and if you plan on attending D-Con this year... make sure you swing by her booth #713, because she will have a ton of stuff there!!!

Sorry for the delay folks, and thank for your patience... things are REALLY busy over in Spanky land right now... but lets get down to business. After sorting through the entries, pluggining them into Random.org, we have 5 winners... who are: Amorlans, Andrea, Jake, MyOtherGlove, and Jenn Bot... CONGRATS!!! I have sent out emails to all you winners, so hit me back asap so Holly can mail out your packages soon! Which brings me to thanking her SOOO much for donating such rad prizes. Oh, and don;t forget to visit her at D-Con via booth #713!!!

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