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Will the MonsterPants & Sucklord film "Villain" happen? It's up to you!

You might recall the announcement we made regarding the movie "Villain," directed by Mr. MonsterPants himself — James McKenney — and set to star The Super Sucklord. But, in the aftermath of certain events, the future of this film seems uncertain…
We launched our VILLAIN Kickstarter campaign on the evening of July 18 and raised over $1800 the first day. A month of days like that and we would have more than reached our $50,000 goal.But then some real life lunatic loosely modeling himself after a comic book villain walked into a showing of a Batman move and murdered 12 people.The pledges stopped and many our associates, concerned that pushing a movie about real life villain project soon after the tragedy might be in bad taste, became reluctant to promote our campaign.I haven't addressed this issue publicly because there's obviously no real connection, thematically or otherwise, between our film and the horrible events in Colorado.Our film is about a serial killer who hunts down the "real life" superheroes of New York City. He does not harm innocent "civilians" and he doesn't use guns or explosives in any way.But the damage is done and I don't think that things will improve in the two weeks that we have left to our campaign unless we do something to change that.
So if you'd like to see "Villain: The Hunter of Heroes" happen, please visit their Kickstarter page and donate whatever you can.

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